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to make an impact all year long!

Getting a Strong Start

"Jazelle has blossomed! I feel the sky is the limit for her and she's just flourishing. I really can't thank Illinois Action for Children enough for being in existence. I don't know where should be without them. IAFC is definitely a blessing." - Tamarra, Early Learning Programs (ELP) Parent speaking about her daughter's success in the program.

Fighting for Our Future

"My children see their mom fighting every day on their behalf. Being a part of the Family Advisory Committee helps my kids, but it also helps kids and parents throughout the state see how important parents’ voices are. They see that their voices matter, and they can bring about change.” -Kristen, parent advocate, on the importance of advocacy.

Building Family Bonds

"It was the only real chance to interact with my child." - Adam, a father who was able to hug his infant son for the first time - in street clothes and without restrictive bars or glass, as a participant in our innovative Strengthening Connections program for children and families with parents involved in Cook County's carceral system.

Partnering for Change

“We were selected to participate in the Community Parenting Support Saturation (CPSS) Program and were amazed at all the support we got." -Esther Lodge, Alignment Rockford, Community Impact Partner Praising the supports offered through IAFC's CPSS program, which "saturates" communities with vital foundational resources for children.

Connecting to Support

"Illinois Action for Children's Early Learning Programs (ELPs) helped my son do what the doctors said he could never do. I am forever grateful to the teachers for knowing Leo needed special attention and for helping me get the support he needs to live his best life." - Lizzie, a former ELP parent who became an ardent advocate with IAFC's help.

Unlocking Potential

"I thought I wasn't good enough to lead. But now I know I have what it takes to hold my head up and believe in my capabilities. I will be an early education leader for years to come." - Maria, a graduate of the Emerging Leaders Fellowship, which builds the leadership and advocacy skills of diverse, mid-level early childhood professionals.

These testimonials provide a mere glimpse into the amazing impact possible with generous donors like you.

Together, we can ensure all children in Illinois have access to the strong early childhood foundation they need to achieve their best lives.