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Illinois Action for Children is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization. Your donation is tax deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law. Please keep your receipt as your official record. We'll email it to you upon successful completion of your gift. Thank you.

Change Lives With Us!

Every child in Illinois deserves to receive a strong foundation early in life. This is key to building resilient families and vibrant communities.

When children succeed, everyone benefits. YOUR gifts of any size opens doors of opportunity for our children--providing access to the highest-quality learning opportunities and positive experiences, and removes parents' barriers to their children's early education so they can achieve their highest potential.

Thank you for partnering with us to seize new opportunities, fill in gaps that cannot be adequately addressed by government funding alone--and most importantly, to give our youngest learners more reasons to smile and a pathway to a bright future.

Advocating for
a Better Future

"My children see their mom fighting every day on their behalf...They see that their voices matter, and they can bring about change.” -Kristen, Parent Advocate

Founded in 1969, IAFC has a rich history rooted in advocacy. This year, after decades of persistent efforts to reform the state's early childhood system, Governor J.B. Pritzker signed in to the law the establishment of the new Department of Early Childhood. 

With your support, we will keep building on the momentum of our successful movement of parents, like Kristen, who bring their voices to the fore, so legislators hear their challenges and needs first-hand.

Together, we can ensure every child in Illinois has access to excellent, affordable, early learning programs in their communities.

Building Strong Bonds

"It was the only real chance to interact with my child." - Adam

Strengthening Connections, a new program, designed to strengthen relationships among families impacted by parental incarceration, gave Adam the chance to hug his infant son for the first time.

The program's quarterly events enable family interactions without restrictive bars or glass.
And dedicated family case management links parents to the vital resources each family needs to become more stable and resilient

Every positive experience 
children in this uniquely challenging circumstance has, builds their sense of security and empowerment. Support from donors like you fosters children's healthy development and sets them on a path to realize their dreams.